
A Day in the Life of An Entrepreneur

An Entrepreneur is an individual who creates and or invests in one or more businesses, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards. The process of setting up a business is known as “Entrepreneurship”. The entrepreneur is commonly seen as an innovator, a source of new ideas, services, and business or procedures. Larry Milan is an entrepreneur with a global vision, innovative ideas a creative mind, and a staunch commitment to take his business to new skies and fully satisfy his clients. He wakes up early in the morning after offering his morning prayer he starts working. He makes long, medium- and short-term planning. He looks after daily routine matters and supervises his subordinates. He encourages and motivates his staff and those who perform better, He rewards them in different ways. He further trains and guides those who make mistakes and tells them that learning from mistakes is integral to life and necessary for business success. He often has lunch with his subordinates and ensures that his team must be united and should be goal and result-oriented. He is an innovator and never hesitates to implement new ideas. He closely looks at and follows how his team is pursuing the targets. He takes some time daily to spend with his family. He is an obedient son and a loving husband. He thinks business people should not ignore their family. He says,” After all we earn for our family and we should not ignore it”. He respects his parents very much and always requests for them to remember him in their prayers. He also takes some time to exercise and wants to keep him healthy and fit. He knows that a healthy body is very important for having a healthy mind. He pays due heed to his clients’ suggestions, and complaints and always likes to have their feedback.  He also likes sports, especially horse riding. He also watches thrilling movies.
"The biggest factor in success is self-belief. Without it, no matter how talented you are, you will never achieve anything significant."
Larry Milan always thinks about the welfare of people, especially the underprivileged, and wants to educate them. He wanted to form a trust for this purpose after the name of his parents. He believes in humanity, love and peace, and universal brotherhood. Before going to bed he prays Almighty Allah for peace and harmony among various communities of the world. He says, “Your business reflects your mind. If you are ready to take risks, have the courage to face challenges, have innovative techniques, can utilize your creativity…… and give your customers top priority then YOU ARE A SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEUR”.
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